为流程工业气体、液体以及蒸汽提供整体流量测量整体解决方案。 Provide an overall flow measurement solution for gas, liquid and steam in the process industry.
重庆澳门新莆京游戏app大厅流量仪表分公司拥有多年专业从事流量仪表及流量测量整体方案的集技术研发、制造、销售、服务为一体的工作经验及技术,可应对严苛的测量条件和分析测量难点,满足客户不同的生产需求。 CHONGQING CHUANYI AUTOMATION CO.,LTD. FLOWMETER BRANCH has many years of professional work experience and technology in research and development, manufacturing, sales and service of flow meter and overall flow measurement scheme and can cope with harsh measurement conditions to analyze measurement difficulties and meet different production needs of customers.
产品分类Product classification
各行业解决方案流量计量的主要供应表计-电磁流量计 Electromagnetic flowmeter---a meter supplied in flow measurement of various industrial solutions
MFE series high-performance electromagnetic flowmeter has many built-in complex communication capabilities. By adopting the functional magnetic field technology and DSP digital processing technology, while meeting the requirements of low flow rate measurement and low conductivity measurement, the product can reach a measuring range ratio as high as 1,500:1, a minimum straight pipe section of only 1.6 D, and a design life as high as 15 years, which is almost synchronous with the life cycle of the device.